Message From The General Secretary

…Grace and Peace from God the Father be yours in good measure!

Dr. Jeffery Cooper

Dr. Jeffery Cooper

I am delighted to welcome you to the newly redesigned web site of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. I am grateful to former General Secretary and now Bishop Clement Fugh for establishing our presence on the World Wide Web. This site has served as a tool for information and invitation to all who wish to learn more about the AME church and our Lord.

We now seek to build on this solid foundation as we move toward the 200th celebration of our church as a denomination in the year 2016. We will be using the General Secretary’s “message box” to highlight AME’s across the connection. Here we hope to highlight video clips of Bishops, Presiding Elders, Pastors, Choirs, and meetings of our Zion.

Therefore, I invite you to send small clips of items you would like to share with the church at large. I also invite your suggestions on how to improve this site to meet your needs and strengthen our connectional church. I look forward to hearing from you.

With warmest regards and every good wish,


Jeff Cooper
General Secretary

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