10 events found.
Connectional Young People’s and Children’s Division Leadership Training Institute & Executive Board Meeting
Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel Atlanta, GATwelfth Episcopal District: Oklahoma State Annual Conference
Allen Chapel AME Church Oklahoma City, OKThirteenth Episcopal District: East Tennessee Annual Conference
St. Paul AME Church Fayetteville, TNSeventh Episcopal District: Palmetto South Carolina Annual Conference
Ebenezer AME Church Charleston, SCTwelfth Episcopal District: West Arkansas Annual Conference
Bethel AME Church Malvern, AK Malvern, AKEighth Episcopal District: Mississippi Annual Conference
Zion Chapel AME Church Natchez, MSTenth Episcopal District: Northwest Texas Annual Conference
Anderson Chapel AME Church Killeen, TXThirteenth Episcopal District: Kentucky Annual Conference
St. Paul AME Church Richmond, KY Richmond, KYSeventh Episcopal District: South Carolina Annual Conference
Campbell Chapel AME Church Bluffton, SCNeed an event added to the calendar? Contact the General Secretary/CIO’s Office.