10 events found.
Twelfth Episcopal District: East Arkansas Annual Conference
Pilgrim Rest AME Church Monticello, AREighth Episcopal District: North Mississippi Annual Conference
Greater Solomon Chapel AME Church Cleveland, MSTenth Episcopal District: North Texas Annual Conference
Smith Chapel AME Church Dallas, TXSeventh Episcopal District: Piedmont South Carolina Annual Conference
Poplar Spring AME Church Laurnes, SCThirteenth Episcopal District: West Tennessee Annual Conference
St. James AME Church Memphis, TNSeventh Episcopal District: Northeast South Carolina Annual Conference
Mt. Olive AME Church Myrtle Beach, SCTwelfth Episcopal District: Arkansas Annual Conference
Bethel AME Church Little Rock, AR Little Rock, AREighth Episcopal District: Central North Louisiana Annual Conference
Alexandria-Thidodaux DistrictNeed an event added to the calendar? Contact the General Secretary/CIO’s Office.